
How much does camp cost?  Pricing depends on the length of stay, and whether or not the camp time is over a holiday (see holiday pricing below).

Rates are reduced by 10% for each additional dog from the same household for overnight and day camp, other than on long weekends, March break, and Christmas / New Year periods.

All rates are of course subject to HST.

Overnight Camp

Length of stay
Monday – Thursday
Friday / Saturday / Sunday
1 – 7 nights $60 / night $75 / night
8 – 14 nights $58 / night $58 / night
15 – 27 nights $56 / night $56 / night
28 – 40 $53 / night $53 / night
Over 40 nights Contact us for quote

These prices reflect a 24 hour period. If you choose our end of day pick up time there is a day camp charge of $40.

Please see Long Weekend and other Special rates below.

Long Weekends

If your booking is on a holiday long weekend, we have a 3 night minimum charge requirement at a rate of $90 / night for overnight campers. On the Easter long weekend, the $90 rate applies to the Friday and the Monday of that weekend.

If your booking is longer than 3 nights and includes any of the nights of a holiday long weekend, we charge a $25 per night premium ($75 total), unless your booking covers the Easter long weekend, in which case the $25 charge will apply to the Friday through Monday nights of your booking.

If you’re booking for day camp on any of the days of a long weekend, there is an additional charge of $25 / day on top of our regular day camp rate.

Summer Weekends

During the Summer, from June 1st through August 30th, we have a two night minimum booking on weekends (if your booking incudes a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday night).

Christmas / New Year

If your booking includes December 25th, January 1st, or any of the nights in between, the rate is $100 / night for all nights of a booking (including the nights before December 25th and after January 1st), and we have a 10 night minimum charge.  Also, dogs cannot be dropped off or picked up on December 25th or on January 1st.

If you’re booking for day camp on any of the days above, there is an additional charge of $25 / day on top of our regular day camp rate.

March Break

March / Spring Break 2025 includes all days/nights from March 7th – 16th. During the March Break we have a 7 night minimum charge, and a rate of $100 per night.  This rate applies to all of the nights of your booking, if the booking includes any of the nights of March Break.

If you’re booking for day camp on any of the days above, there is an additional charge of $25 / day on top of our regular day camp rate.

Day Camp

Day Camp (Price per dog)

$40 per day, or:

Purchase a 10 day pack:  $360 ($36 / day).
(must be used within 30 days of the date of purchase)*

Purchase a 20 day pack:  $680 ($34 / day).
(must be used within 60 days of the date of purchase)*

* Note: This is for clients who intend to book 2-3 days per week, in order to use up the day camp days days before they expire.

Great Camp Add-Ons!


Between $25 and $75, depending the weight of your dog, and the type and length of fur.

Trails Walks

Treat your dog to a one hour pack walk through our beautiful trails, with no more than two other dogs. Trails lead to our fresh water swimming pond, for those dogs who enjoy a swim! Walks can be on or off leash – whichever you prefer.

NEW:We now use GPS tracking devices for dogs hiking off leash through our trails. This is just in case your dog happens to wander off, so that we can easily and safely get him or her back quickly. Dogs walking off leash on our trails must wear a GPS device.

On Leash Walks

1 Trail Walk:  $25
2 Trail Walks:  $46 ($23 each)
3 Trail Walks:  $63 ($21 each)

More than 3 walks are at the same rate of $21 each.

Off Leash Walks

1 Trail Walk:  $28
2 Trail Walks:  $50 ($25 each)
3 Trail Walks:  $69 ($23 each)

More than 3 walks are at the same rate of $23 each.

Click for more information on Trail Walks and Swimming.

Video Updates

We will send two video clips of your dog per day (15 to 30 seconds each) by text message, right to your cell phone!  Cost: $8 per day.

Click for more information on Video Updates.

Social Media Updates

We’ll provide you with a photo and an update on Instagram and Facebook – of how your dog is doing at camp! Cost: $10

Quiet Toy Time with Friends

While camp is lots of fun, it’s also busy. Some dogs benefit from time with just a couple of close friends, away from the larger group. A Camp Counsellor will spend time with your dog and up to two others – in a private room, playing with toys, snuggling, doing puzzles, and brushing fur. We’ll also send you a video of your dog during this calm camp experience! Each session is 1 hour long.

1 Session  $25.00
2 Sessions  $40.00 ($20 each)
3 Sessions  $54 ($18 each)

More than 3 sessions are at the same rate of $18 each.

Click for more information on Quiet Toy Time with Friends.

One-On-One Camp Counsellor Time

If you’d prefer a chance for your dog to spend quiet time alone with a Camp Counsellor, we can do that too! This time can be spent playing ball, quiet snuggle time in a private room, fur brushing, and whatever your dog enjoys most (you can let us know). Each session is 1 hour long.

1 Session  $40.00
2 Sessions  $76.00 ($38 each)
3 Sessions  $105 ($35 each)

More than 3 sessions are at the same rate of $35 each.

Click for more information on Camp Counsellor Individual Time.

Puzzle Time

Some dogs enjoy time alone, away from the group – to work on camp puzzles!  Puzzles include yummy treats, but it takes some work and time to get to them. Puzzles are fun for dogs, and help keep their minds sharp.  Each puzzle session is 20 minutes long. Cost: $8 per session.

Click for more information on Puzzle Time.

A few other pricing notes

Pick up or drop off outside of our scheduled times: $30

Veterinarian visit: Local:  $50; Emergency: $100

Food purchase (if we need to buy more food):  $40 (plus the cost of the food)

Frozen / Raw food:  Additional charge of $2.50 per pound for freezer / refrigerator space. At Dogs at Camp, we strive to provide the best care for your dogs, including the proper storage and handling of frozen food. To cover the additional resources required, we charge based on the weight of the food provided.

Last Minute Bookings:  We understand that things come up last minute, and that you may need to book only a day or two before your dog’s intended arrival.  We’ll do our best to accommodate those requests, but please note that we do have a flat fee of $30 added when overnight bookings are requested less than 48 hours in advance.

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